Friday, March 16, 2012

A word.

These last few months, Stardoll and I are growing more apart. Especially on my projects that are revolved around the Stardoll community. Like this blog, I'm sure you see the posts decreasing month by month.
I feel awful. Like I am letting you all down. I keep telling myself that this is just a phase. But no, a phase doesn't last this long.
I just am getting tired of striving. Striving to get information to my blog ASAP. This time last year I blogged because I wanted to blog, now it's like I am being forced to blog.
Blogging is supposed to be a passion. A hobby. Not a job. It feels like a job and that isn't very pleasant.
I am not leaving, that isn't an option. But a nice break is. I have no idea when I'll return, but I will know when to return when I get that feeling I had when I first started posting here on that cold January day last year. The excitement! The happiness I had when blogging! The fun!
I will still be logging into Stardoll and doing Youtube tutorials, but my break from blogging had offically begun. I am truly sorry!
Until next time,

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