Thursday, June 5, 2014

Something or another.

Well hello there.
It's been around six or seven months since I last posted, which really isn't that surprising due to the context of my last post, and I don't know why but for the last couple of weeks or so I've been wanting to write a post on here. I just didn't know what to write.
First I was going to write something along the lines of how much Stardoll, among other things, has changed but then I decided against it because I got lazy. Then I was going to write another post about a subject that I have now forgotten. And then I just decided to write some sort of ramble post because it's my blog and I can do what I want.
No I'm not loosely quoting Miley Cyrus.
Anyway so here we are. I'm not exactly sure if anybody reads this blog anymore and if they do, I'm not sure why. My posts on this blog revolved around what I was doing on Stardoll or what was currently happening in the Stardoll universe. I started this blog in 2011, back when the main currency was Stardollars and there were only five ways to get Starpoints. The things I posted about back then are no longer relevant to anyone. Whether it be the people who were already considered "old members" during that time, the people who had just joined or all the new members that have come since, the posts really don't have a use anymore. 
And I guess that's the problem with Stardoll Blogs like mine. Your posts really don't stand the test of time. They're relevant for a certain time frame and then they just kind of expire. In retrospect, it's kind of depressing looking back and realizing that all the effort that I had put into reporting on the latest happenings on Stardoll was kind of a waste of time in the end.
But then again, that's just one side of the coin. My blog was also a document into where the site was back in that time, from my eleven year old perspective. Looking back on it is like taking a trip down memory lane, to see what once was and compare it to how things are today. And I guess that makes it all worthwhile, or at least for me it does.
It's a little weird to think that it has been four years since I joined Stardoll, but it's even weirder to think that some might consider me an "old member". Back in my first year of being on this site, I always felt like a brand new member. I remember wishing I had joined the previous year so I could experience all of the old Hotbuys and LE and all of the old store items that were released before I even knew what Stardoll was. It's insane to think that now somebody may wish that they were around when I was ( that's kind of a dumb statement because I'm pretty sure that there isn't anybody out there like that but you never know...). But I guess that's how things go.
(This should say 2014 on the last one but for some reason it didn't save like that)
I don't know what this post is really. Just kind of a little hello. I guess.
Most of what I said in my last post still remains true, but I do get bored a lot and lately I've been finding myself on Stardoll a lot more so don't be too surprised if you see a post here and there. 
- Sara 

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