Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spoilers/Blog Updates

[Thanks to Underneath Stardoll  for the spoilers, you guys truly rock!]

These are amazing! I love the first gray dress on page two, and the last dress on page one. I also love all the Maxi dresses and the purses.
Stardoll did an amazing job at designing these, hopefully they won't be sky rocking  high prices...

Some of these are in the new Brandy 2  doll they released for superstars.

Also, a little news about the Blog, I'm planing to add a new header soon, since the Oscers were about 2 weeks ago, and it is time to update it, I'm planning to do a black and white theme, hopefully by tommorow or friday, I can arrange a time to do it.

I was going to do a Youtube Video called "Luxe Lashes" on Sunday, but since I had company I didn't have time, but since they left yesterday[ We went aintique shopping in a place about an hour from where I live, I ended up getting a glass swan, i'm going to start collection them :) ] I cna get back on track. I'll upload it probably this weekend... hopefully.

Don't think I forgot but LE Decor is out! It sold out very quick;y here are some screen shots:

So did you get there quick enough to buy a few items? I didn't, and wasn;t planning on it because I'm saving up my money for the possible LE Clothes Collection, or to buy the two dresses I liked in the spoilers.

Also there is a live Chat with Willow Smith on March 17th at 10:30 AM EST, I don't know if I will be on then, but if I am I'm pretty sure I'll leave a comment or two, but if I'm not I'll probably just watch the video somewhere...

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