Friday, July 22, 2011

Why I haven't been posting and why I didn't make the Lady Gaga video.

Yes I'm pretty sure you've noticed the lack of posts, trust me I'm not up to posting.
The reason why? Well let me tell you why!
I live in the United States, and for the last 1-2 weeks, most of the United States has been having a heat wave.
How come this affects my posting? Well my family's desktop computer(the one I am currently using) is located on the front porch of my house, there is no A/C in that room,  on Wednesday, my mother told me that until it started to cool down she didn't want me out in the heat.
She's smart, people have actually died from heat strokes, she told me that around  20 years ago that she had a heat stroke but she survived.
The heat is just so insane!
And that is why I never made the Lady Gaga video that I promised you all ( I'm bad at keeping promises aren't I?) on Tuesday. Really really sorry about that and sometime next week I'll began making that.
Oh and just to let you know it's like 6:30 AM where I live and I'm already sweating. :(
- Sara

1 comment:

  1. Which state do you live in again? I live in New York and I'm dyeing x[ In NYC its 103 degrees and it feels like 114. NO ONE BLAME SARA XD
