Sunday, February 20, 2011

No I don't want to share accounts with you!

Now you all may have heard about why i hate chat
people asking me to buy from the bazaars, then when i do they just keep on asking me
Same goes for clubs.
Then there's the poeple who I don't want to talk to or I'm on another page, such as facebook, youtube, or here writing on the blog, and keep saying "Hello You there? SARA!" While I'm innocently on anotehr page and don't see that they're typing then they get all mad.
This is what i hate most of all:

So I'm innocently looking at somone's Starbazaar and seeing if  there is any good deals... and then Picture #1 Pop's Up.
Now it's n-dubzfan357, just innocently saying Hello... but this hello isn't innocent at all!
Now look at #2 #3 #4: They are all basically the same thing, she's asking for my account. and even though I want to say NO! I don't want to hurt her feelings.
I feel sorry that she got hacked, but does this mean I have to give her my account? of course not, my account is mine, and mine only and I am never giving it away!
And all this ends up to #5: Where I am so annoyed and mad that I want to scream at the top of my lungs!

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