Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Opinion on Mortal Kiss?

So A few months ago Stardoll released a store called Mortal Kiss. It started out, well how most stores start out, Not so good, but sfter they added a club and a few more floors, Mortal Kiss became one of the best Store's in the starplaza.

Even though I don't read Twilight(I heard So much about it from people so I basically know the story, even though I didn;t want to know), This Stardoll Story sounded like the Twilight, which I knew ever since they Released the Team Finn and Team Lucas Shirts in the Mortal Kiss Store. The Team Finn and Team Lucas thing reminded me of Team Edward and Team Jacob from Twilight(a series I HATE).

So then A few days ago I heard,from the Starblog where I was waiting for stardoll to release the January Hotbuys, that  Mortal Kiss became a REAL LIFE book.
Now what I wonder is HOW did it get published, it contained the SAME conecpt that Stephine Meyer wrote in Twilight. Which is: One girl falls in love with an Immortal boy but then something happens he leaves for her safety then she falls for another Immortal boy and then the  1st Immortal boy returns then they fight over the girl.

That is EXACTLY  what I think of the new Mortal Kiss book. It's a Twilight fan making up a simlar story, in which Stephine Meyer(the Author of the Twilight Series) should SUE whoever wrtoe Mortal Kiss.

1 comment:

  1. Ok.
    I'm really shocked that you think that Mortal Kiss is a lot like Twilight. This blog post is not like "Mortal Kiss". Are you sure it's Mortal Kiss you were talking about?

    Look, it doesn't really mean that having "Team Finn" and "team Lucas" means it's like Twilight, right?. Have you even read the series? If you don't then I think you should read it before posting a blog post like this in your blog. Don't judge a book just because of something that you've heard of. I hate Twilight too, but at least I read it.

    What?! I think you were being ridiculous when you typed that Stephanie Meyer should sue Alice Moss(the author of Mortal Kiss). Why should she sue her? Is it because Alice made team Finn and team Lucas? If that's how it works then she should sue the other books with "teams" like this.

    I'm sorry but when I read this post from your latest post I felt this anger inside me.
    Just please don't do this again...
