Saturday, January 15, 2011

Want to get a good deal at teh Starbazaar?

Have you ever spent a ridiculous amount  of stardollars on something that wasn't worth it, then you found them same item 50% Cheaper somewhere else? I know I have! So this is why I'm going to teach you something called  "Bargaining" it will help you save stardollars, and it will probably make you feel better too.

Step #1: Always Compare Prices!

                                               {Click To Enlarge}
Look at the picture, you will see 2 of the same items, Both differently priced.
Some times the difference is that one is a stardollar more, or 50 Stardollars more.

Well It's Just a stardollar. Theres greater problems in the world you know.

There may be, but that's one stardollar you don't have anymore it's one more stardollar that someone else has.

Step #2: 500 stardollars for a freebie? I don't think so!
Some people think that they will get 500 stardollars for an item not worth it. I know I wouldn't want to pay 500 stardollars for something I can find for 498 cheaper some where else.

Even though the highest price wasn't 500 stardollars I thought this would be a good example

{Click to Enlarge}

The Guide For Sellers
This is a little guide for people who regularly sell items in the starbazaar.

Step #1: Be competive!
You may not get as much stardollars, but hey it's more likely that somene will buy from your sale.
Let's Say you had the Gold LE Shark tooth clutch
The Original Price was 45 stardollars
Some other sellers pirces: 80 Stardollars, 100 Stardollars, etc
Your price should be: 60 Stardollars.
Why 60 stardollars for a Gold LE Sharktooth clutch is a good price?
It's not too pricey also it was from the latest collection, someone would buy it quickly from your bazaar.

Step #2: Have "Super Sales"
A Super sale is basically when you mark all of the items you are selling in your bazaar 25,50,or 75% Off.
So if you had the DKNY Two Toned Scarf in your bazaar.
The original Price was 10 Stardollars (You bought it at someone else's bazaar)
Some other seller's prices: 60 stardollars, 140 stardollars
Your Super Sale Price should be:
20 stardollars
Why 20 stardollars?
Because you paid 10 stardollars for it, plus it's 40 dollars(more or less) cheaper than some of
the other seller's prices.
Step #3: Thank Your customers.
You appreciate  that they bought from you right?
So thank them! You don't want them to say bad things about you right??


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