Sunday, January 23, 2011

What do you think of the new header

Heyy it's Paras, and a little earlier, Sara Joy, Ruby and I redesigned/updated our header.

We used a site called Luna Pic, a place where you can update your pictures.

On the new header I used a Sparkle effect which was kinda stupid because now my right eye(I'm the one on the left) has a flash on it :P.

So if your photo's need updating, and you don't really wanna use Picnik, I suggest you click the Title(of this post), because it will take you Directly to Luna Pic to edit YOUR photos.


You may not reconize us, but Ruby and I updateing our medolls, I'm the one on the far left. You can see I changed my hair to a brunette and I got rid of the eyelashes.

Ruby ,on the other hand, gave her self a "Stay at Home Mom" look, with the messy hair, girl power shirt, Grey Cardy and Black bell Bottoms.

Also I wanted to show you how to do presentaions not the crappy ones that I see a lot of people do by thierselves, REALLY good ones. Orignally, Sara-Joy was going to do this but I asked her if I could do it, and she said yes so here it goes.

This requires Mircosoft word, your Stardoll account, and the knowledge to copy and paste.

First you will need to Open a Microsoft Word Document, once you get there you will need to Select the font and the size of the font you want, after that i s completed you start typing.

After you are finished typing highlight the document then click the right click on your mouse then click Copy.

Now go to your stardoll account(Make one if you don't have one, cause it's free) and Log in(Do this if you haven't already) then go to the edit part of your presentaion, erase everything(Except pictures you can leave those if you want) then right click your mouse again and this time click "Paste", then after it's done click save.

Sorry for not haveing any pictures, I tried my best though contact Sara-Joy if you wanna learn more Click < to visit her.

Also this is one of the latest Makeovers that one of my inspirations,Lel1996, has done. She does EXCELLENT Youtube viedos and has an amazing blog click > iif you wanna visit her Stardoll Suite

Well that's it for now, I'm gonna go.


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